Development with responsibility

The UN Global Compact's sustainability vision is a common thread throughout our consulting activities. The aspiration to contribute to sustainable development through our consulting expertise motivates us daily to explore creative and value-adding solutions in the areas of sustainability and ESG for our clients and their stakeholders.

Get to know the team

UN Global Compact: Global sustainability initiative

The United Nations Global Compact is an initiative for companies that voluntarily commit to aligning their actions with specific principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption.

Brugger + Partner and the UN Global Compact

Throughout our company history, we have initiated, supported, or led various projects and initiatives closely aligned with the UN Global Compact, including The Sustainability Forum Zurich, the engagement funds of Fondation Guilé and de Pury Pictet Turrettini, the Energy Trialogue Switzerland, the UN Global Compact learning platform, and the Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership.

Our consulting work in the spirit of the 10 principles

In our consulting work, we achieve impact together with our clients. The principles of the UN Global Compact and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are omnipresent – sometimes we work explicitly, other times implicitly, towards their realisation. You can learn more in our sustainability reports. Since 2023, we have been reporting using the UNGC's standardised questionnaire.