Allgemeinde Baugenossenschaft Luzern abl
Completed 2023
Diversity & InclusionClimate & EnergyCircular EconomySustainability (Triple Bottom Line)Entrepreneurship Corporate Sustainability Private Sector AnalysisFacilitationOrganisational DevelopmentParticipation ProcessesStrategy Development

2024-2028 strategy for abl

Brugger + Partner supported Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Luzern (abl) in developing its strategy for the period 2024-2028. abl, the largest non-profit housing cooperative in Central Switzerland, aimed to develop a comprehensive strategy for this period that would define its strategic direction and future development. The strategic guidelines and measures were clearly described. The strategy development process was divided into two phases: First, an environment analysis was carried out to identify the key strategic issues for abl. This was followed by the development of the strategy, in which various working groups formulated ambitions, strategic goals, and corresponding metrics for the defined key topics.

Updated 13. März 2025