Assessment of the socio-economic impact of a potential deep geological repository on long-term developments in the Zürcher Weinland
Brugger + Partner carried out an assessment of the socio-economic impact of a potential deep geological repository on long-term spatial developments in the Zürcher Weinland region for the Zurich North-East Regional Conference. A scenario analysis served as the methodological foundation. Initially, the current state of Zürcher Weinland was summarised across the domains of economy, society, and environment. Building on this, a trend scenario and two extreme scenarios were developed under the assumption that no deep geological repository would be situated in Zürcher Weinland. The study identified and evaluated the opportunities and risks associated with a potential repository and assessed its impacts across the scenarios. Central to the analysis was a series of workshops involving local experts, where the findings of existing studies and their interpretations were discussed and critically examined.
Updated 12. März 2025