Berner Fachhochschulen
Completed 2022
Education & ResearchInnovationClimate & EnergySustainability (Triple Bottom Line) Sustainable Society GRISDG Education & Research AnalysisCoachingFacilitationStakeholder EngagementStrategy Development

Integrating sustainability into teaching, research, and administration

Institutions of higher education, like other societal institutions, face the challenge of contributing to sustainable development. In 2020, Brugger + Partner supported the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) in conducting a materiality assessment. Through workshops with a broadly based working group and interviews with external and internal stakeholders, Brugger + Partner and BFH jointly identified and refined relevant topics for education, administration, and research, which were then evaluated by internal and external stakeholders. Based on this, the project team developed an impact-oriented, integrated sustainability strategy. The consistent inclusion of internal stakeholders fostered strong acceptance of the pivotal sustainability strategy and its implementation.

Updated 14. März 2025