Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO
Completed 2014
Spatial DevelopmentRegional DevelopmentRegional Policy Spatial and Regional Development Public Sector AnalysisLocation Promotion

Network assessment for Switzerland

Brugger + Partner, on behalf of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), conducted a study on the location networks of the knowledge economy within Swiss agglomerations. In an advanced economy like Switzerland, knowledge and innovation are critical drivers of economic and spatial development. For this project, Brugger + Partner employed an innovative methodology based on a unique location database, enabling precise regional network analyses. The analyses revealed how Swiss agglomerations are interconnected on regional, national, and international levels through the internal location networks of knowledge-intensive multi-company enterprises. The research focused on three key regions: the Zurich metropolitan area, the Jura Arc, and the Western Alps. The findings of the analyses were used to align and discuss the political priorities of the Spatial Concept for Switzerland and the New Regional Policy with the relevant authorities.

Updated 14. März 2025