Glarus Nord
Completed 2023
Site and Real Estate DevelopmentMunicipal and Urban DevelopmentClimate & EnergyCircular EconomySustainability (Triple Bottom Line)Spatial DevelopmentRegional Development Spatial and Regional Development Public Sector AnalysisFacilitationStrategy Development

Biäsche site test planning

Brugger + Partner, together with Zangger Architektur, Idea Verde landscape architects, and Trafiko traffic planning, participated in the test planning process for the Biäsche workplace area in Glarus Nord. The site stands out for its locational assets, including a freight station, motorway access, and an attractive nearby recreational area. The goal was to harness this potential to promote balanced development as an economic development hub while supporting planning across municipal and cantonal boundaries. The test planning process was structured into three phases, with four multidisciplinary teams responsible for the tasks. Each team encompassed expertise in urban planning and architecture, open space and landscape, transport and mobility, and economy and positioning, with each discipline taking the lead in a different team. Brugger + Partner took the lead on the economy, developing an innovative and future-oriented project for Biäsche together with its partner companies.

Updated 12. März 2025