Stadtkanzlei Winterthur
Completed 2018
Municipal and Urban DevelopmentSpatial Development Spatial and Regional Development Public Sector AnalysisFacilitationLocation Promotion

Winterthur environment analysis

Brugger + Partner conducted an environment analysis for the Winterthur city chancellery, supporting the development of legislative objectives for 2018-2022. The aim was to identify key drivers of development and future trends as opportunities and threats to Winterthur's progress. The study followed a four-step process: First, the most significant megatrends relevant to Winterthur were identified. Second, the current state of the city was examined across eight thematic areas and compared with similar Swiss cities, leading to the development of a trend scenario and the identification of opportunities and threats. Third, these findings were consolidated into 17 core challenges. Finally, key questions were formulated, and "gently provocative" theses were developed to stimulate discussions with the city council and administrative leadership. This analysis provided a critical yet constructive foundation for deliberating the legislative priorities for 2018-2022 during the city's leadership conference.

Updated 13. März 2025