Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein SIA
Leadership Sustainable Society Organisation & Association CoachingFacilitationOrganisational Development

Further development of the SIA organisation

Brugger + Partner, together with Zenklusen Transform & Change, supported the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) in advancing its organisational development. The focus was on defining the roles, responsibilities, and powers of the various bodies within the SIA and fostering their optimal cooperation to achieve shared goals. The process was divided into two phases. The first phase, lasting until the SIA Forum 2024, involved analysing the current situation and making initial strategic organisational considerations for the future, which were widely discussed at the forum. The second phase focused on developing the organisational concept itself, working closely with the board and management. At selected points, additional members of bodies were involved to ensure a broadly supported outcome.

Updated 13. März 2025