Stadt Romanshorn
Completed 2023
Site and Real Estate DevelopmentRetail TradeMunicipal and Urban DevelopmentSpatial DevelopmentRegional Development Spatial and Regional Development Public Sector AnalysisFacilitationParticipation ProcessesLocation PromotionStrategy DevelopmentEconomic Development

Business location strategy

Brugger + Partner supported the city of Romanshorn in developing its business location strategy. Romanshorn aims to better leverage its potential and evolve into a location offering sustainable jobs, resource-efficient value creation, and a high quality of life over the long term. As part of a preliminary project, we conducted a location analysis and developed a strengths and weaknesses profile. These insights were discussed at an economic meeting with the economic commission and other stakeholders, and initial future scenarios were developed. Based on this groundwork, we are conducting workshops with the economic commission to refine the business location strategy and establish specific goals and organisational measures.

Updated 14. März 2025