Business location strategy
Brugger + Partner supported the city of Illnau-Effretikon in developing a business location strategy to promote job creation at an overarching level and strengthen the local economy. The strategy aimed to enhance the location's attractiveness for qualified jobs and actively market it to appeal to both established companies and external investors. The strategy development process unfolded in two phases. First, a detailed analysis of Illnau-Effretikon's current state was conducted, focusing on hard and soft location factors, as well as evaluating the existing tools and structure of location promotion. This phase utilised a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, including the analysis of existing statistics, interviews with location providers and stakeholders, and the creation of a strengths and weaknesses profile. Building on these findings, the business location strategy was formulated and refined through two workshops with the project group and a strategy retreat with the entire city council.
Updated 7. März 2025