Mobimo AG
Completed 2018
Site and Real Estate DevelopmentMunicipal and Urban DevelopmentSpatial Development Spatial and Regional Development Private Sector AnalysisDialogue Platform & NetworkFacilitationLocation PromotionStrategy Development

Workshop series on RAD site in Zurich-Oerlikon

On behalf of Mobimo, Brugger + Partner facilitated a series of workshops on the development of the Rheinmetall Air Defence (RAD) industrial site in Zurich-Oerlikon, a key location in the Zurich metropolitan area. Situated near major hubs such as the airport, ETH Zurich, and the University of Zurich, the site holds significant potential for sustainable industrial transformation. The workshop series comprised three events: The first focused on positioning the RAD site in the international competition for locations. The second, led by Markus Schaefer, explored six development concepts created by Harvard students to generate creative impulses for the site's future. The final workshop centred on strategies for making the RAD site an attractive location for highly skilled professionals and innovative businesses. Through this series, Brugger + Partner contributed to a forward-thinking approach to industry in Zurich, laying a crucial foundation for the RAD site's sustainable development.

Updated 14. März 2025