To the point.

As consultants, we understand our clients' challenges, analyse them using appropriate methods, facilitate and support the resulting decision-making and implementation processes, and assist with impact measurement, including reporting.

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Embedding sustainability with an impact – in strategy, processes, and culture.


Dialogue between business, policymakers, and society


Expertise and innovation in regional and location development

To the point. Sustainable.

Since 40 years,

Our philosophy

What shapes our thoughts and actions?
And how do we create value and impact together?

Broadly networked

We work in interdisciplinary teams and connect diverse stakeholders and expertise from relevant disciplines.


We foster collaboration as equals. Through a shared language and pragmatic, comprehensible processes, we empower our clients.


We take sustainability seriously. We don't engage in token projects. We say what we think and do what we say.

UN Global

Brugger + Partner has been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2010, publishing an annual sustainability report that demonstrates how we incorporate the ten principles of the Global Compact into our practices as consultants and employers.

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Our team – dedicated and experienced

Our clients appreciate our creativity, innovative strength, initiative, and focus on results. We are an interdisciplinary team of experts in business administration, economics, geography, environmental sciences, social sciences, and engineering. We are true to our vision: diversity as a driver of creativity and success.

Kathrin Brugger
Matthias Häni
Pascal Lüthi
Timon Becker
Vanessa Seger
Thomas Streiff
Guido Cavelti
Nicole Saunier
Sophie von Wartburg
Lilian Zihlmann
Vera Linder
Rahel Steinmann-Meyer
Caroline Becker
Janka Amstutz
Claudia Wehrli
Stefan Lüthi
Barbara Rigassi
Sara Kurmann
Susanne Mitchell

Partner companies

bolz+partner consulting ag (bpc) specialises in political, law, and management consultancy in the public sector. Leveraging multidisciplinary expertise, bpc supports innovative projects across areas such as government and administrative organisation, regulation and enforcement, public finance, and the management of public organisations. This extends to specialised topics including governance, supervision, sustainable controlling instruments, spin-offs, and organisational development. As a network company, bpc works together with selected partner firms on complex mandates, ensuring clients have access to the best possible teams and required resources.

The sustainable development of companies, public institutions, and industrial and commercial areas is a core task of schlaepfer:associates. Solutions are developed through participatory processes to clarify perspectives, identify existing dilemmas and systemic interdependencies, and enable practical implementation.

Our project portfolio

de Pury Pictet Turrettini

20 years of work for an investment fund

IG Schweighof

Coordination of Schweighof Kriens site development


Swiss Import Promotion Programme

See portfolio